Kamis, 19 November 2009

Warung Ijoe : Wahana Rame tapi Unggul Ipa Tujuh
XI IA 7 2009/2010!!!

The ART !

Art is my Passion

hai hai hai.. postingan terakhirku tentang H-(Sekian) tentang Smansa's 56th Anniversary, sekarang semuanya udah kelar looohh i'm soooo happy. walaupun yah dilalui dengan sedikit kerja keras dan cucuran darah serta keringat hahaha lebay! ga deng.. yg jelas aku seneng karena acaranya SUKSES! Puji Tuhan.. tapi sayangnya saat ini aku lagi ga mood buat cerita ttg acara kemarin, nanti aja ya kapan" hehehehe kalo sempet. oke sekarang jadi aku ingin bercerita ttg :

dulu pas masih SMP kalo ga salah, itu lagi addictednya sama Fashion dan aku berniat untuk jadi fashion editor blablabla tapi gatau kapan impian itu sirna dengan sendirinya sehingga aku mutusin buat jadi dokter gigi. hahaha wtf! beda 360 derajat kan ya... eh tapi setelah dipikir" ditimang" digendong".... hasilnya adalah.... aku kembali ke jurusan awal yaitu graphic design. sempet terbersit juga buat masuk kedokteran umum, sastra russia and the gank. tapi kayaknya engga dehhhh.. hehehhe. soalnya aku harus udah mulai mempersiapkan dari sekarang nih secara ya kan udah kelas XI mana bentar lagi semesteran, padahal perasaaan baruuuu aja masuk sekolah jadi murid SMA.. hiks hiks. hidup ini singkat yaa.. :(
ohya setelah mulai browsing"tentang graphic design dan kawankawanannya aku ada tertarik dengan beberapa blog.. here they are :

1. Poop-Art by, Diana Rikasari
2. Miss Chelle. by, Michelle Hendra (actually this is a fashion blog. but i love it!)
3. HELLOGRAPHIC by, Lydia Valensia

those 3 blogs are inspiring me A LOT !!!

so, u have to check them out :D !!
trus juga aku udah berniat pengen belajar Corel Draw dan Photoshop secara otodidak.. udah bisa sih, tapi ya dasar"nya aja.. trus masih bingung mau bikin digital art macam apa.. jadi yah masih suka browsing dari internet gitu yang kira" bisa menginspirasiku.. hehehhee.

at the end of story, wish me luck!

Minggu, 08 November 2009

Almost There!

hello everyone..
welcome to the blog.. hehe :D

can u see, there's a little change in the appearance. THE HEADER uh yeah!!

anw, the event is getting closer and i still dunno i'm ready enough, or no and then give up. arrh, God please help me x)

Jumat, 06 November 2009


talking about future..

what you gonna do in the next 5 years ?
who are you in the next 5 years ?

those questions always dancing in my mind. and i always wondering about it.
kinda silly. but that's life..

i still dunno what im gonna do, i dunno where university i choose, what faculty, etc. hiks my life is pathetic.. huhuhuhu :(

but my parents told me that, i should take Multimedia or Graphic Design instead General Medicine. hahahha. yayaya i know what's better.
and i got to say too that i think i have a big interest about digital art, although i haven't made a "masterpiece" lol..

i hope my future will be good, and i can make my parents proud. not "madesu" hehehe

cheers all, God Bless :)

Senin, 02 November 2009

What About?

hey readers. long time no post huh?
hehe i kinda busy in this tiring weeks. soooo yah, i still online but not write posts :p because i'm too lazy to tell you about the activities of mine lately..

hmm. my project of backdrop for school's 56th anniversary almost done. i mean the design is done, but i haven't print it into a real backdrop. so yah, not 100% .. lol
i have to do it fast, because of the deadline. the school's anniversary will celebrate on november 12-14. be there you guys !!! :D

and ohyea! i have some exams in this week. hmmmfhfjhjf -_-. but thank God, i can passed it well. but, let's see the result.. can i really passed it? or no. hehe

and so any problems happened. hahaha i can't even mention you because it's too many Rata Penuhand too complicated to be understood. hahaha. so yahh, i believe that God still beside me :)

hmm.. speechless. dunno what to say.
okay just let me end this post yah.
thanks for reading, enjoy your day. and it's a new month right! NOVEMBER !!!! :)

new month, new resolutions..